Online School Council/GGES Meeting Link
Posted on Feb. 4, 2025Click on the following link or copy and paste into your broweser to join our School Council/GGES meeting online.
Click on the following link or copy and paste into your broweser to join our School Council/GGES meeting online.
Northern Gateway Public Schools was not affected by the recent PowerSchool breach due to extensive, additional security controls the Division has in place. These additional measures prevented student…
Preparing for cooler temperatures! The weather continues to hold, but with our first brush of snow, families are reminded to dress warmly and prepare for Winter busing conditions. To Run or Not to Run?…
This will be Grasmere School's 29th year taking part in the Terry Fox School Run. To date, Grasmere School has raised $81, 868.00 for cancer research. On Thursday, September 26, our school community will…
Education Week is April 15-19, 2024! Education Week is a time to celebrate public education and the important work that goes into creating an inspired future for every child; a future that is supported…
The Division is pleased to announce that Mrs. Trish Muir has been named as Principal for Grasmere School. Ms. Muir stepped in to the role of Acting Principal in 2022 following former Principal Shelley…
Preparing for cooler temperatures! It’s been a positively balmy November, but colder temperatures are in the forecast. With the changing of the season, families are reminded to dress warmly and prepare…
BEING THE CALM If there is anything that all parents have in common is an insatiable desire to protectour children. It is an instinct unlike no other. Just a quick scroll through the news orsocial media…
ngpsTALK is now open for input on the capital conversation regarding the modernization of Grasmere. Please head to the following website to contribute your thoughts.
Winter has arrived! As the snow flies and the temperatures drop, families are reminded to dress warmly and prepare for Winter busing conditions. To Run or not to Run? School Bus Transportation and Inclement…
Welcome to ngpsTALK! A space where parents, students, staff and community members can share their ideas and feedback on a variety of topics affecting our school division. Your voice is important! ngpsTALK…
Please take a moment to read the latest article from Tammy Charko, our NGPS Student Support Facilitator on Online Safety.
In remembrance of the 215 children whose remains were discovered at a former Kamloops residential school, flags across Northern Gateway Public Schools will be lowered to half mast. We extend our deepest…
The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that following an extensive Canada wide search, Mr. Kevin Bird has been appointed as the new Superintendent of Northern Gateway Public Schools, effective July…
It has been over a full year since NGPS began adapting to the challenges of delivering education in the context of a pandemic. This year, we want to take the opportunity to celebrate the many hands,…
Are you passionate about kids and public education? You may want to consider running for a school trustee position! Alberta School Board elections will take place on Monday, October 18, 2021! Elected…
Your educational journey is our inspiration! At Northern Gateway Public Schools, we understand that every student is unique. Teachers, support staff and leadership work together to create personalized,…
No School Reminder There are no classes Monday, March 29 to Tuesday, April 6 for the spring break, Easter Monday and a Board Approved Non-Instructional Day. Classes resume for all NGPS students on…
Thank you to all of our substitute teachers! Whether you are coming to the rescue in person, or online, you provide incredible support to NGPS students and staff year-round. You are a crucial member of…
Your Voice Matters Northern Gateway Public Schools seeks your input as we plan for the 2021-22 school year and beyond. Your feedback as students, parents, staff and leaders is an important part of our…
Pink Shirt Day is an anti-bullying movement that began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. Since then, Pink Shirt Day has been recognized annually around…
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Please enjoy our Christmas concert 2020 video by clicking on the link in the title!
Christmas has always felt magical and miraculous. After the stress and anxiety of the last ten months, we need the hope and peace of the Christmas Season more than ever before. Even if you’re not…
Wishing all of our NGPS families an extra Merry Christmas and happy holiday break! The Christmas Break for NGPS students is December 18 to January 1. Return to at-home, online learning: January 4, 2021…
Alberta Government announces new series of enhanced COVID-19 health measures, ENHANCED public health measures: Stop the Spike. On November 24, 2020, the Alberta Government announced a series of new COVID-19…
Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the official end of the World War I hostilities on November 11, 1918. In gratitude, we stand with our communities to honour and reflect on the sacrifices and…
Preparing for Winter temperatures and road conditions With Winter weather upon us, families are reminded to take necessary precautions for inclement or severe weather. When the safety of transporting…
Orange Shirt Day began in 2013 to honour Residential School survivors and their families, to remember those children who didn't come home and to encourage and support awareness of the individual, family…
This summary, based on the September 2020 Government of Alberta update, COVID-19 Symptom-Student illness, provides further clarity to parents about the ‘isolation’ period or ‘stay home and minimize…
NGPS 2020-21 COVID-19 Re-entry Handbook updated September 10, 2020. To read more on the NGPS Mask Protocol please see Section 1 - Provincial Health Measures, Pages 9-14 of the Handbook. WHY USE A NON-MEDICAL…
We all have a role to play in keeping schools healthy. Before coming to school each day, all staff and students must use the Government of Alberta's screening questionnaire - the COVID-19 Alberta Health…
We are so excited to start the 2020/2021 school year and we can not wait to see our students. The start date for students has changed and we are rolling out a staggered entry for all students. An email…
Board approves change to 2020-21 school year calendar. The first day of school is Wednesday, Sept 2; however, many schools have staggered start dates. Schools will share information with you specific…
On August 4, 2020, the Government of Alberta announced that the use of masks will be required when students and staff return to school. Students from Grades 4 through 12 will be required to wear masks…
The Government of Alberta announced yesterday that students will return to in-school classes under Scenario 1, with near-normal daily operations and added health measures. This means that daily in-school…
As promised, we are pleased to share the Northern Gateway Public Schools, 2020-21 COVID-19 Re-entry Handbook. The Handbook will guide our collective response to COVID-19 and operations for the 2020-21…
Northern Gateway Public Schools (NGPS) is planning for the 2020-21 school year and what it may look like for students, staff and families. While any return to school will be managed under the guidelines…
As part of the regular registration process, proof of residence is now required for all Northern Gateway Public Schools students. Parents will be required to provide a copy of their resident legal land…
On March 28, 2020, the Education Minister announced that resources to school divisions will be adjusted to match an at-home learning environment. At this time, Alberta school divisions are expected…
No, really. How are YOU doing? Take a pause... and think …. how are you doing? Let’s take a moment to do a self- assessment: How is your heart rate? How quick are your breaths? Your shoulders: how…
As shared by the Minister of Education last week, all Kindergarten to Grade 12 students will continue to receive learning opportunities at home, either through online means or through other accommodations,…
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented change to us all. It has also brought us together. Our entire NGPS staff family has been working hard to develop instructional alternatives for students.…
The school division appreciates your patience and resilience in the face of this unprecedented interruption in the normal operations of public education in the province. We realize that the school closure…
While many parents have questions regarding yesterday’s update and the closure of schools in the province of Alberta, there are still many uncertainties for all of us as learning communities and Alberta…
As of March 15, 2020, the Government of Alberta has announced a province-wide school closure. All classes are canceled indefinitely. Children are expected to stay home. The safety of our students and…
Pink Shirt Day is an anti-bullying movement that is celebrated around the world, every year, on the last Wednesday in February. As schools, we teach, model and practice kindness, empathy and inclusion…
A wonderful read entitled, "Empathy in Global Uncertainty" from our NGPS Student Support Facilitator
Northern Gateway Public Schools is facing a budget shortfall this school year. While Maintenance and Transportation Funding will receive modest increases, the loss of Class Size, School Fee and Classroom…
Please take some time to read the November article from Tammy Charko, the Northen Gateway Public School’s Student Support Facilitator entitled, Bad days during the "Happiest Time of Year".
There are many supports in place to enhance the Quality Learning Environment (QLE) for NGPS students. Quality Pedagogy, or the practice of teaching, is a main focus, as it is the heart of teaching and…
To run or not to run? Winter weather and driving conditions bring questions about school bus transportation. Are the buses running today? Should the buses be running today? Why aren’t the buses running…
Mental, Social and Physical well-being impact learning. A Culture of Wellness, with a focus on these three domains, is foundational to developing a Quality Learning Environment (QLE) within Northern Gateway…
Schools are considered to be one of the safest places in our communities. However, an emergency can occur anywhere at any time. During an emergency, our first priority is the safety of our students and…
The focus of the Quality Learning Environment (QLE) is student or learner centered. Everything we do as Educators, from how we teach and what resources we use, to how we assess learning and plan for instruction,…
The Quality Learning Environment (QLE) in NGPS is our commitment to assure learners are successful and learners are supported. The core elements of the QLE are made up of quality pedagogy (the practice…
In the spirit of reconciliation and hope Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada, in the spring of 2013. It…
Please take some time to read the October article from Tammy Charko, the Northen Gateway Public School’s Student Support Facilitator entitled, Words of Inspiration
Being safe at school means working together with our community partners, parents and first responders. Understanding the terminology that schools and responders use can help. Hold and Secure means classes…
Alberta Beach softball association donates $3,000 to Grasmere School! The funds will go towards food and vet bills for Grasmere School's Facility Dog, Hero! "We are very grateful to the Alberta Beach…
Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! We hope you enjoyed the summer break and are excited for a new school year. The beginning of each school year is a special time for us all – students, staff and families…
Please take a moment to read this informative article by Tammy Charko, or NGPS Student Support Facilitator: Back to School Survival for Parents!
OUR STORY NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE YOU CAN LEARN HERE From the students, to the teachers, to the principals and staff. Because here, education happens every minute, in every corner, of every school. Here,…
Tuesday, September 3, 2019 is the first day back to school for nearly 5,000 Northern Gateway students! Preview important dates with the 2019-20 School Year Calendar. Northern Gateway Public Schools (NGPS)…
TO OUR STUDENTS We hope each and every one of you has had an amazing year of learning and growth! Each day you inspire us with your individuality, achievement and potential. Your journey as a student…
The Grasmere Grizzlies Enhancement Society is looking for volunteers to help with a casino on November 17 & 18th to support our new playground! No experience necessary! To sign up go
Please share your thoughts with us in this short 3-question survey! Click here to take the three minute survey! Northern Gateway Public Schools is looking to find out how many parents/guardians are interested…
Ten NGPS teachers were officially welcomed into the profession last night following the near completion of their first year of teaching. Each year in NGPS, first year teachers, and teachers who are new…
Alberta celebrates Education Week! The first Alberta School Week (Education Week) was held December 2–8, 1928. Its purpose then, as it is now, is to call attention to the importance of education and…
Please take a moment to read the latest article from Tammy Charko, our NGPS Student Support Facilitator; I Smell Spring.
NGPS held its annual 3 Year Education Planning session with division leadership, trustees and school principals on March 18. Superintendent Kevin Andrea says it was an opportunity to reflect on the…
Please take some time to read the latest article from NGPS Student Support Facilitator, Tammy Charko. Screen Time and Moods
Building a culture of excellence through Quality Learning Environments (QLE) Key Domain: Responsive Instruction Responsive Instruction considers the needs of all learners so they can achieve success,…
The latest article from Tammy Charko, NGPS Student Support Facilitator. January 2019 article
Wishing you all the joys of the holiday season! May this season bring you the joy of sharing, the warmth of community and the love of family and friends. From our family to yours, warm wishes for a bright…
Please take some time to read the latest article from Tammy Charko, our NGPS Student Support Facilitator.Christmas When Times are Tough
To run or not to run? Winter weather and driving conditions bring questions about school bus transportation. Are the buses running today? Should the buses be running today? Why aren’t the buses running…
Please take a moment to read the latest article from Tammy Charko, NGPS Student Support Facilitator called, "Fortnite Battles"
Please take a moment to read the latest article from our Northern Gateway Public School Student Support Facilititor, Tammy Charko. Designed for Addiction
In the spirit of reconciliation and hope Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada, in the spring of 2013. It…
Building a culture of preparedness - NGPS joins forces with Hour-Zero Student and staff safety is an extremely important part of what we do at Northern Gateway Public Schools, from playground equipment…
Here is a great back to school article from our NGPS Student Support Facilitator The Power of a Fresh Start
We hope summer has treated you well and that you have had opportunity to relax and recharge with family and friends. The beginning of a new school year is always a special time for staff, students and…
WELCOME BACK! Okay, we're not quite there yet, but with only three weeks left of summer vacation, we can bet the impending new school year is on your mind! Find answers to your start up questions, contact…
Please follow this link to the latest article from our NGPS Social Worker, Tammy Charko. Back To The Basics In Parenting
Please follow the link to read the latest article from our Northern Gateway Public Schools Social Worker, Tammy Charko. This month's article speaks about how to support our kids to become more resilient,…
Our grade 7 students will be sharing some of their favourite picture books on our website throughout the year. Here is Lana, with our first book, "Out" by: Angela May George.
One of our students proudly demonstrating their learning of structures and design.
Kierra had a vision to help dogs at the local shelter for her Genius Hour project. She spent time researching and developing her plan, then distributed a healthy dog snack recipe to students and staff…
Payton entered the Lions Club Peace poster contest and she was selected as the winner! Congratulations to her!
Click here to check out our Canada 150 videos created during our week long residency with Trickster Theatre! Gramere School's Canada 150 Essays
Please follow the link to read the latest article from our NGPS Division Social Worker on Talking to Children about Tragedy
Trickster Theatre was here from Nov. 20-24! Click here to watch a video of how our week!
Here is a very handy tech tip that might be useful for parents. If you are allowing your child to use an ipad, iphone, etc. and you want to restrict their access to only one app, here is how you can…
If you follow this web link, there is an excellent user guide to help you learn more about PowerSchool and how to access your child's assignments.
Students, please click on the link to select the course you would like to join for school wide options
Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters Friday, September 29th we are encouraging students to take part in Orange Shirt Day to bring awareness about residential schools and spread awareness that Every…
Our grade 7 students demonstrate the importance of reading to their Kindergarten buddies!
6 Symptoms of Video Game Addictionby SOS Safety Magazine published March 30, 2017 Parents today are faced with a dilemma that their parents never had to deal with. Video games. Today, when their child…
Students from Rich Valley, Darwell and Grasmere got together today for a book tasting! Stations were set up around our gym with different literature genres and students interacted with a variety of books,…
Don't forget to go online to book an appointment for Parent Teacher Interviews, March 29&30 from 4:30-7:30pm. Go to and enter the code: 5dmnf
We will be having our 2017-18 Kindergarten registration meeting on April 25 at 12:30pm in our school library. If you are planning on registering your child for Kindergarten next year, please plan to attend!…
This is a reminder to please call the school PRIOR to 9am if your child will be late or absent that day. We need to ensure the safety of all our students and when students are absent without a notification…
Just a reminder to parents that in the new year you will be receiving a letter from Alberta Education. Inside is the Accountability Pillar survey. As part of the Accountability Pillar, Alberta Education…
Coming Soon! In January we will be sending home a spirit wear order form. There will sweatshirts, sweatpants, t-shirts and hoodies available. We have sent an email to parents that includes item pictures…
What a wonderful day of learning at Grasmere School between the students and teachers from Darwell, Rich Valley, Onoway and Grasmere. All of our grade seven students started their Career and Technology…
We have a new game at our school- Guess the Number! Each week numeracy clues will be displayed on our bulletin board and students can then make a guess about the Mystery Number. A draw will be made…
We are excited to welcome Miss Secord back to our school this year as our grade 5 teacher! I know she is looking forward to meeting all of her students, getting to know them throughout the year and helping…
Grasmere School is pleased to announce the launch of School Cash Online, a convenient and secure online payment system that offers a way for parents to pay for school activities, field trips, hot lunches…
There were some fantastic smells floating through the halls this afternoon as some of our grade 6,7,8 students were busy cooking today during their healthy food option class. They made hot apple cider…
Elections for the School Council Executive positions will take place on Monday, October 5 at 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome!
Grade Three students at Grasmere School and across Alberta will be writing Student Learner Assessments this fall. Please see the attached letter for more information. Grade Three SLA
On June 4th, 2015 the Grade ⅚ class went to Darwell for a day of science review.Some people from the Bennet Science Center were there to help everyone review for the grade 6 P.A.T tests.The…
Our grade two students were outside enjoying the nice weather and searching for bugs for their science activity! They discovered spiders, ladybugs and LOTS of ants!
We have some budding authors in grade two! During their library class, students are creating their very own book. They will write and illustrate their creation. Students will then take the books home…
Students were treated to a wonderful performance of "Rumpelstiltskin", by Alberta Opera. This adapted version of the classic fairy tale was a hit with students. 16 of our own Grasmere students assisted…
Just prior to spring break, students participated in an Easter egg hunt! This event was created by our school spirit leadership group and was a huge success! Within each classroom, our leaders hid hundreds…
Click here to find out more about the Grasmere School Shopping Event March 27, 2015
February 25th was Pink T-Shirt day across Canada in support of Anti-Bullying. Many of our students wore pink to show their support! At our celebration assembly today, three junior high students read an…
We have some very creative students at Grasmere School! Two of our students have decided to put their talents to work to benefit others! The girls are selling loom bracelets, with proceeds from the sales…
There was lots of excitement at noon today as students were able to buy lengths of tape, then tape a staff member to the wall! Proceeds from the event go towards purchasing equipment for student use,…
Our school library is being featured this month on the Northern Gateway Public Schools website. Please click on the following link!
There are two very important surveys being conducted by the Alberta Government in January and February. For parents of students in grades 4-8, you will receive a paper survey, mailed to your home, called…
Our School Spirit Committee has planned several events for the upcoming weeks. January 20th is a colour house colour dress-up day. Jan. 28th- purchase a length of tape, for our Tape a Staff Member to…
Check out our videos section to see who the winner was from our Christmas door decorating contest!
Have a look under the Parents & Students tab, then navigate to the Student Leadership page. There you will find pics of our monthly leadership winners. Each month, teachers select students who have exhibited…
We have several events happening in December at our school! December 1- door decorating contest! Classes will design and decorate their classroom door. A winner will be selected and that class will win…
On October 31st Ryan Kessler from TELUS was at our school to present a cheque for $5000.00. We are very pleased to accept this generous donation from the TELUS Payday Lottery Committee to fund our technology…
Our mural is complete! Debra Bryan, from our Artist in Residence program, spent the day putting together tiles that students created several weeks ago. Students painted tiles that represented them in…
Today we celebrated "Pink T-Shirt Day" in support of anti-bullying. Please check our calendar for our next pink t-shirt day! The pink t-shirt campaign was started by two high school students in Nova…
Our tuck shop is now open from 12:00-12:15 every day, except Wednesdays. A thank you to our wonderful student leaders, Hailey and Alisha, who are running the shop during noon hour. There are several items…
For the past several years we have been focusing on the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”- developed by Stephen Covey. The reason for teaching these habits is to help our students make good choices,…
A busy and exciting month lies ahead! Here are some of the events that are planned. On September 17th we have our Grasmere School Meet and Greet BBQ. This is an open invitation for our school community…
Welcome to the 2014-15 school year at Grasmere School! School starts on September 2, 2014. We look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing together!