QLE: The Heart of Teaching and Learning is Quality Pedagogy

There are many supports in place to enhance the Quality Learning Environment (QLE) for NGPS students. Quality Pedagogy, or the practice of teaching, is a main focus, as it is the heart of teaching and learning.
There are five domains of Quality Pedagogy that we are investigating in NGPS:
The Engaged Professional - Engaged teachers contribute to a shared vision, reflect on personal practice and welcome opportunities to learn and work with colleagues.
A Positive Classroom Culture embraces different learning opportunities and a growth mindset. Relationships encourage students to take risks in their learning. Learning environments are student centered.
Intentional Planning - Teachers design meaningful learnign experiences with students' needs and learning styles in mind. Purposeful Assessment informs instructional planning. Identifying and meeting different learning needs are critical to the planning process and to supporting students.
Purposeful Assessment - When assessment is intentional and growth-minded, it better informs the next steps in the learning cycle for students and teachers. It helps teachers to engage and individualize learning for students, identify students' needs and design activities to better support the learning process for all students.
Responsive Instruction considers the needs of all learners so they can achieve success. The teacher is flexible in the delivery of instruction and adapts to ensure student engagement and understanding.
The Quality Learning Environment is our division-wide commitment to effective, research-based instructional practice that will ensure learners are supported and learners are successful in our schools.