COVID-19 UPDATE MARCH 18, 2020 - 3:00 p.m. - Information for Families

The school division appreciates your patience and resilience in the face of this unprecedented interruption in the normal operations of public education in the province. We realize that the school closure decision came abruptly forcing significant adjustments to be made within households across the province.
We want to reassure families that despite this significant disruption, students will have the opportunity to progress to their next grade level next year. Meanwhile, diploma exams essential for post-secondary acceptance will continue as scheduled, although the format of how those exams will be offered has not yet been determined. Teachers and school staff will continue to work to ensure these expectations are met, and NGPS will communicate with you again once we have a detailed plan for student learning support.
In the next few days you will receive a communication from your child’s school to touch base, see how your child is doing and seek information about what kind of access you have to instructional technology and reliable internet. We expect that there will be a variety of responses and we will work with parents and students to find the most effective way to deliver support to your child.
Principals and teachers are in the process of finalizing program delivery options for NGPS students and more information related to how schools will engage students in learning opportunities can be expected within the next week.